Compare Rates
Prices for auto insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars between companies, so it pays to shop around. You should get several quotes before you buy a policy. Don't shop price alone, service is just as important as price. The company you select should offer both good prices and quality service. Auto insurance is an investment and you should feel comfortable about your provider. Quality service may cost a bit more. You should try to balance the service and price. Nowadays, most major companies offer comparable quality customer service, of course they want your business.
Buy a "Low Profile" Car.
Before you buy a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Cars that are expensive to repair, or that are favorite targets for thieves, have much higher insurance costs.
Take Advantage of Low Mileage Discounts.
Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive fewer than a predetermined number of miles a year.
Consider Insurance Cost When Making a Move.
Costs tend to be lowest in rural communities and highest in cities where there is more traffic congestion.
Find out about Automatic Seat Belt or Airbag Discounts.
You may be able to take advantage of discounts on some coverages if you have automatic seat belts and/or airbags.
Ask About Anti-Lock Brakes.
Anti-lock brakes improve steering control and stability when a car is brought to a stop, thus reducing accidents. Some states, including Florida, New Jersey and New York, require insurers to give discounts for cars equipped with the brakes and some insurers have a nationwide discount in place.
Inquire About Other Discounts.
Some insurers offer discounts for things like no accidents in three years, drivers over 50 years of age, driver training courses, anti-theft devices, good grades for students and having more than one car insured with that company.
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